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Month: September 2023

Empowering Survivors: The Impact of Welcome Packs at Valley House

In a world that should be a safe haven for everyone, the harsh reality of domestic abuse continues to haunt countless individuals and families. Last year alone, our organisation provided refuge and support to 131 adults and 113 children fleeing the clutches of domestic violence. … Read more

🌿 Valley House Community Garden Revamped for Mental Wellness 🌿


At Valley House, we believe in the healing power of nature and its profound impact on mental health. That’s why we’re excited to announce the revitalization of our community garden for the benefit of all those who use our services. Our recently revamped garden has … Read more

We would like to welcome Liz Maffey as our newest trustee.

New trustee, Liz joins us with a wealth of experience in relation to data management and analysis, measuring impact and outcomes. We are excited to be able to utilise her knowledge and expertise to support us in ensuring we meet one of our 5 areas … Read more