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How can we help?

Valley House provides supported accommodation for survivors of domestic abuse aged from 18 years. We offer a range of safe, secure accommodation for single people, families and males fleeing abuse. A package of support around the domestic abuse is offered to all our service users, we also offer emotional and practical support. Referrals into the service are taken 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Referrals can be made by professionals (police, social care, etc) or by self-referral, either via phone, attending our office or completing a form available on our website.

Types of accommodation

  • A range of self-contained, family and shared accommodation
  • Separate accommodation for women and men
  • Accommodation for families with older male children
  • Accessible accommodation for people with disabilities
  • Specialist support for BAME, LGBT, older people and people with care and support needs and other underrepresented groups.

Support we offer

  • Signposting and advocacy
  • Culturally specific support
  • Risk assessment and safety planning
  • 1 to1 case work and structured group work
  • Family support work for families accessing our accommodation
  • Court support for service users involved in criminal justice and civil proceedings
  • On-site Nursery
  • Social activities
  • Counselling Service
  • Peer support groups
  • Learning and Development opportunities
  • Service user involvement and volunteering opportunities
  • Low level follow-on (aftercare) support to reduce isolation, increase confidence and skills

To make a referral or find out more information on domestic abuse please contact our team on:

Referral Line : 0800 328 9084 (24/7)

Email : referrals@valleyhouse.org.uk

Please download and complete: Referral form

Sara’s Story

This story highlights the transformative power of a safe and supportive environment for survivors of domestic abuse. Sara (name changed), a 30-year-old Indian woman, arrived at Valley House, after enduring years of physical and emotional abuse from her husband. Sara’s story begins in India, where she lived with her ... Read more
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JJ story

Jj’s Story

JJ: How exciting this day was going to be, my first day at nursery. Mummy said, “It’s ok, off you go and play, see you later”. Still excited but just a little unsure I went on my new adventure in the nursery. There were children ... Read more
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Maya Story

Maya’s Story

Maya was referred to the counselling service by Kairos, she presented herself as having being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, some physical health issues and personal debts. She had experienced past of abusive relationships and had been trying to help her son come off drugs, this ... Read more
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William Story

William’s Story

Hi, my name is William and I am sixty three years old and I live with my wife. I was referred into the Community Wellbeing service by my Journey Guide as I needed support to improve my reading and writing, support to fill out forms ... Read more
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Charlotte Story

Stacey’s Story

Stacey is a young parent with two boys aged one and six months. During her first pregnancy, Stacey found herself in an abusive relationship. She suffered verbal abuse and was often threatened with physical violence. The arguments got worse as the pregnancy progressed. During these ... Read more
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Uma Story

Uma’s Story

My name is Uma, I am a 30 year old Indian women with 2 children, boys aged 4 & 7 years of age. I was referred to Valley house by the police as I was fleeing domestic abuse from my husband. I had been married ... Read more
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