We’ve gathered together some useful links to websites and organisations who can provide you with information and support. Please note that Valley House does not necessarily endorse the organisations listed.
Click on the categories below to search for relevant website links. If you have a link that you feel we should add to this page, please contact us.
If you need to talk to someone...
If you need help and support, you can access Valley House's direct services which include our Live Chat Helpline, email help service, or via phone on 02476 266 280
If you want to access support over the phone, you can call:
National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 – www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/ (free phone run by Refuge)
The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327 (run by Respect)
The Mix, free information and support for under 25s in the UK – 0808 808 4994
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428 (run by Galop)
Live Free from Fear Helpline – 0808 8010 800 (run by Welsh Women’s Aid this helpline supports men and women and provides support in English and Welsh)
Samaritans (24/7 service) – 116 123
Rights of Women advice lines, there are a range of services available
With You
We Are With You provide free and confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.
Al-Anon provides support to anyone affected by someone else’s drinking
Alcohol Change
National agency on alcohol misuse
Information, support and counselling for drug users and their families
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
A free helpline for those affected by substance misuse run by people who’ve beaten drug and alcohol rehab themselves
Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Substance Use
Online service providing advise and support for substance use, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Please note that these links are for organisations offering services nationwide (such as helplines), or for those with extensive online information/research. For local domestic violence services please use the Women’s Aid Directory
Domestic abuse services
Southall Black Sisters
Domestic violence resource centre for Asian, African, Afro-Caribbean women
Sistah Space
A space for African heritage women & girls who’ve experienced domestic or sexual abuse or who have lost a loved one to domestic violence.
Chinese Information and Advice Centre
Provides support and information for Chinese people living in the UK. Also runs Sunflower Support Programme for children and teenagers affected by domestic violence.
Jewish Women’s Aid
Provides refuge and/or support to Jewish women and their children affected by domestic abuse.
Muslim Community Helpline
Telephone counselling service for Muslim men and women
Muslim Women’s Network
A specialist faith and culturally sensitive service for those facing or at risk of abuse
Nour Domestic Violence
Provides Islamic support and advice and raises awareness
Latin American
Latin American Women’s Aid
Provides nationally available services and the only refuge for Latin American women in the UK
Support for refugees and asylum seekers
Refugee Council
Services for refugees and asylum seekers; including children’s services, integration services and information on voluntary returns.
National Helpline: 0300 365 1700
Action for Children
Support for vulnerable and neglected children and young people, and their families
Coram Children’s Legal Centre
Freephone advice line for parents, carers, children and young people on a wide range of legal issues
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is the UK’s leading charity specialising in child protection
National Youth Advocacy Service
Information and advocacy service for children and young people up to 24 years.
Childnet Hub is for young people aged 11-18, you’ll find top tips, competitions, blogs and advice to help you to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.
Parent Zone
Advice, information and resources for parents to support with everything to do with digital family life.
South West Grid For Learning
SWGfL are a not for profit charity ensuring everyone can benefit from technology free from harm.
Think you know
Lots of resources from the education part of the Child Exploitation and Online protection centre (National Crime Agency)
Information for professionals
Parent Zone
Advice, information and resources for professionals to support with everything to do with digital family life.
Women’s Aid Expect Respect Education Toolkit
Consists of easy to use ‘Core’ lessons for each year group from reception to year 13 and is based on themes that have been found to be effective in tackling domestic abuse
Specific to domestic abuse
Supporting deaf communities through empowerment, education and services.
Beverley Lewis House
A unique place to live for women with learning disabilities who have suffered from abuse or who are at risk of abuse.
Challenging vulnerability and sexual abuse in the lives of people with learning disabilities
Citizen’s Advice
Videos on domestic abuse in British Sign Language
Disability Rights UK
Disabled people leading change, working to create a society where everyone with lived experience of disability or health conditions can participate equally as full citizens.
Being the Boss Website addresses the lack of peer support available to disabled people who employ our own Personal Assistants (PAs)
Disability Law Service Providing free legal advice and representation for disabled people
Coram Children’s Legal Centre
Freephone advice line for parents, carers, children and young people on a wide range of legal issues
Family Rights Group
Confidential advice to families whose children are involved with Social Services
Charity supporting for families affected by drugs and alcohol
A national network of groups offering emotional and practical support by trained volunteers to families with at least one child under the age of five years.
Family Lives
charity supporting parents under stress and refers to sources of local support
Special Needs Family Fun
Special needs resources for families with disabilities
NSPCC – Keep Your Kids Safe
Info for parents on how to protect their kids online
ERIC, the children’s continence charity
Bedwetting advice for professionals, parents, children and teenagers
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse. Charity offering help to families after fatal domestic abuse (homicide or suicide) and near misses.
Safe and Equal works with practitioners and leaders to bring grassroots issues into the public policy arena, coordinate and participate in advocacy and action to reform policy and improve the service system.
Lone Parenting
Promotes the welfare of lone parents and their children
Single Parents UK
Advice and first-hand experience to help parents manage and enjoy life as a single parent.
Support for mums
A website where parents and parents-to-be can share their know-how, with the aim of making parents’ lives easier by pooling knowledge, experience and support.
Match Mothers
Mothers Away From Their Children
Local network for mums with a wealth of information on being a mum or dad in your home town.
Mentors Me
Mentoring site where users can give and receive confidential advice.
Reunite International
Advice and support for parents whose children have been abducted, or if they fear abduction by a former partner.
World Heath Organisation (WHO)
Factsheet about FGM.
Information about FGM including where it is practiced and what the consequences are.
Basic information about FGM and what it is practiced.
Honour Network Helpline – 0800 5999 247.
Open 9:30am – 5pm, Monday – Friday
Provided by charity, Karma Nirvana
Ashiana Project
020 8539 0427
Email: info@ashiana.org.uk
Ashiana Sheffield
0114 255 5740 (24hour helpline)
Email: info@ashianasheffield.org
Asian Women’s Resource Centre
020 8961 6549
Freedom Charity
0845 607 0133
Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO)
0207 920 6460
Southall Black Sisters
General Enquiries: 020 8571 9595
Helpline: 020 8571 0800
Helpline: 0800 5999 247
Gamcare provides support for people affected by gambling. Live chat, a supportive forum and helpline.
Home Office
Violence against women and domestic violence page
Handles the prosecution of most domestic violence cases in the UK
House of Commons and House of Lords
Access via search page to Hansard archives of debates in Parliament, etc.
Claiming homelessness – Under current law you can approach any Homeless Persons Unit if it is unsafe for you to remain in your home due to domestic violence. The Council is obliged to offer you temporary accommodation while they carry out their assessment or give you a decision on your application on the day. Housing law states that, ‘It is not reasonable for a person to continue to occupy accommodation if it is probable that this will lead to domestic violence or other violence’. Violence means violence or threats of violence from another person, which are likely to be carried out.
Rights of Women Guide to Domestic Violence and Homelessness
This guide sets out your housing rights if you are experiencing domestic violence and are currently living with your abuser. It also looks at the legal options which are available if you can no longer stay in your home and need to find somewhere else to live.
Housing Rights Information England and Wales
If you have arrived in the UK to join a partner who is settled here, but have to leave your home because you fear or have experienced violence from your partner, this information applies to you.
Shelter Homelessness due to domestic violence
If you have to leave your home because of threats, abuse or intimidation, there may be safe places you can go to, such as refuges and temporary housing from the council. It may also be possible to stay in your home and make it safer.
St Mungo’s
St Mungo’s offers confidential support and advice to those at risk of becoming homeless.
The UK’s largest housing charity, gives information on housing rights, homelessness and state benefits.
Citizen’s Advice
Your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) provides free, confidential and independent advice, including advice on housing. The website has information in Welsh, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Punjabi and Urdu, as well as English, and allows you to locate your nearest CAB.
Stonewall Housing
Provides housing advice to LGBT victim/survivors of domestic abuse across London
Support for homeless
Homeless Link
Homeless Link is the national membership charity for organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England. It works to make services better and campaign for policy change that will help end homelessness.
Homelessness Act 2002
Shelter’s Homelessness Act web site.
Charity that works with families that are homeless in London.
Asylum Aid
Charity working to help those in need of asylum.
British Red Cross
Provides practical and emotional support for refugees and asylum seekers. Additional advice for young refugees and asylum seekers found here.
Electronic Immigration Network
Links and advice on immigration issues.
White Rose Visas
Links and advice on immigration issues.
Life in the UK Test
Official Home Office site helping you to prepare for the Life in the UK Test that is required for settlement (indefinite leave to remain) in the UK or British citizenship
Civil Legal Advice
For details of Legal Aid solicitors, Citizens Advice Bureau, law centres and independent advice centres. They can provide details of specialists in immigration law and/or family law. Tel: 0845 345 4345.
Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA)
Established to promote and improve the advising and representation of immigrants. Tel: 0207 251 8383 or email info@ilpa.org.uk.
Law Centres Network
Free and independent legal service to people who live or work in their catchment areas. They specialise in those areas of law including welfare rights, immigration and nationality, employment rights and sex and race discrimination. Websites provides details of local law centres. Tel: 0207 387 8570 or email: info@lawcentres.org.uk.
Law Society
For details of solicitors legal aid cannot be accessed. They can put you in touch with solicitors in your local area. You can also search their website for specialists in immigration law and/or family law. Tel: 0870 606 6575.
Immigration and Nationality Directorate
IND is the government department responsible for immigration. Tel: 0870 606 7766 or email: indpublicenquiries@ind.homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk.
Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)
Responsible for ensuring that all immigration advisers fulfil the requirements of good practice. There is a list of registered immigration advisers on the website. Tel: 0845 000 0046 (helpline).
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI),
Independent voluntary organisation for justice and combating racism in immigration and asylum law and policy. They provide free advice and casework, training courses and a range of publications.
Tel: 020 7251 8706 (Helpline – Tues and Thurs, 2pm-5pm)
or 020 7251 8708.
Email: info@jcwi.org.uk.
Right To Remain
Voluntary organisation providing practical help and advice to people facing deportation. They provide a network for campaigns throughout the country allowing them to support each other.
Tel: 0121 554 6947 or send a message here.
Southall Black Sisters,
SBS provides information, advice, advocacy, practical help, counselling, help and a referral service on a wide range of issues including domestic violence, immigration/asylum, housing and homelessness and matrimonial rights.
Tel: 020 8571 9595 or email: southallblacksisters@btconnect.com.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Refugee Action
Independent national charity that works with refugees to build new lives in the UK.
The Refugee Council,
National body working for refugee rights.
Rainbow Migration
UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group (formerly the Stonewall Immigration Group): immigration rights for same sex couples and asylum seekers.
The organisations listed here are just a few of many outside England that provide support and information for women around the world.
Feminist Majority Foundation
A feminist internet gateway
Hot Peach Pages
Hot Peach Pages has a directory of domestic abuse agencies world-wide
Minnesota Centre Against Violence and Abuse
National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges, New Zealand
National organisation in New Zealand for 50 refuges around the country
US National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Texas Council on Family Violence
Works to end violence against women through partnerships, advocacy and direct services
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Women Against Violence Europe
Women’s Aid Organisation Malaysia
Organisation in Malaysia working to end violence against women
Rights of Women
Rights of Women is committed to informing, educating and empowering women on the law and their legal rights. They run a free telephone legal advice line for women including a sexual violence legal advice line. They produce publications – including ones on domestic violence and the law, child contact, and for those who have experienced rape or sexual assault. ‘From Report to Court’ can be downloaded free from the website and is available in a number of languages.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
The NCDV can help you obtain an injunction to prevent further abuse from your partner. The services are free of charge, and the centre will refer you to an experienced solicitor who, if you are eligible, will arrange Community Legal Service funding, or will accept payments in stages if you have to pay your own fees.
The Association of Child Abuse Lawyers (ACAL)
Provides practical support for survivors and professionals working in the field of abuse. ACAL maintains a telephone help line and web site presence to sign-post survivors of abuse to lawyers who have the expertise and experience to assist them in obtaining the redress to which they are entitled.
An independent not for profit website run by the charity Law for Life which brings together information on the law and rights from a wide range of advice and information services. They have useful information on how to find free legal advice for those not eligible for legal aid and who cant afford a solicitor, how to apply for an injunction and have a guide to help applicants with their injunction supporting statement.
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Coram Children’s Legal Centre
Law and policy affecting children and young people
Civil Legal Advice
Provides information on legal advisors who have their quality mark, and gives advice on eligibility for CLS-funded services (civil legal aid). The CLS is part of the Legal Services Commission
Law On The Web
Legal services
The Law Society
Provides a list of solicitors in your area
Legal Aid Agency
Administers the CLS and the Criminal Defence Service (replacing Legal Aid 2001)
Rape Crisis
Map and contact list of UK member groups: information, help, child abuse, legal procedures
UK Deed Poll
Information on how to change your name
Family Rights Group
Advise parents whose children are involved with children’s social care services.
Divorce Aid
Independent group of professionals
Divorce Online
Professional site for divorce and separation issues
Quickie Divorce
Independent, non-commercial site providing help and information for those going through divorce
Divorce Resource
Lots of information about various aspects of divorce
Divorce Recovery Workshop
Self help groups for people going through divorce
A national on-line support and signposting service for parents who are going through or been through separation/divorce.
Sharing Pensions
Site with free, independent advice on pensions after UK divorce
Wikivorce – divorce support community
Provides free information, support and advice to anyone going through divorce or separation.
Black and Minority Ethnic Groups
Southall Black Sisters
Provides advice and information on domestic violence, racial harassment, welfare and immigration, primarily for Asian, African and African-Caribbean women. Casework primarily undertaken in London Borough of Ealing, but deals with enquiries on a national basis.
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
Advice, publications, lobbying, courses, etc.
National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Domestic Violence Helpline (run by Galop)
The National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Domestic Violence Helpline provides confidential support to all members of the LGBT communities, their family, friends, and agencies supporting them. The helpline is run by trained LGBT people and provides a space where you can talk through what is going on, and explore your options. They can:
- Provide confidential information, advice and support
- Help you create your safety plan
- Explore options around housing, legal advice, counselling and local support groups
- Tell you about your local LGBT friendly services
- Discuss the possibility of reporting to the Police
Opening times:
Number of the Helpline – 0300 999 5428 or 0800 9995428
Opening Times:
10am – 8pm Monday
10am – 5pm Tuesday
10am – 5pm Wednesday
10am – 8pm Thursday
1pm – 5pm Friday
(1pm – 5pm Tuesday is trans specific service).
Switchboard – the LGBT+ Helpline
Provides an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men and bisexual and trans people, including anyone considering issues around their sexuality and/or gender identity. Also welcome calls from friends, parents or family members of LGBT+ looking for independent advice and support. Can help with issues including coming out, relationships, family problems, issues at work or college, safer sex and sexual health, having sex for the first time, looking for LGBT+ venues, LBGT+ social and support groups.
Another Closet
Australian website which provides information about domestic violence within gay or lesbian relationship.
TransUnite is a comprehensive resource for people in the UK searching for support in the transgender community. Their directory connects you to an established network of trans support groups near you.
Survivors UK,
Help for men who have been sexually abused or raped
Respect Men’s Advice Line
Provides a range of services aimed primarily at men experiencing domestic abuse from their partner.
Provides emotional support and details of counsellors and agencies throughout the UK. Their helpline number is 0208 554 9004 and their email address is info@supportline.org.uk.
MASH for men who have been sexually abused
0117 907 7100: Thursday 7 – 9 p.m.
Telephone counselling service for men who have been raped or sexually abused at any time in their lives. Both male and female counsellors available.
Rethink Mental Illness
The largest severe mental illness charity in the UK
One of the UK’s leading charities concerned with improving the lives of everyone affected by mental illness
Information and support on mental health issues, including how to get help.
BPD World
Committed to raising awareness and reducing the stigma of mental ill health.
Personality Disorder
The National Personality Disorder Website
UK & Ireland Counselling & Psychotherapy Directory
Nationwide directory of Councellors and Psychotherapists
Counselling Directory
Connecting you with professional counselling support
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse. Charity offering help to families after fatal domestic abuse (homicide or suicide) and near misses
Working Chance
Charity working with any woman who has been through the criminal justice system, helping them into work and financial independence
Self Harm
National Self Harm Network
A forum for survivors, professionals and family
Eating disorders
Anorexia Bulimia Care
ABC provides personal advice and support to anyone affected by anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and all kinds of eating distress.
Bulimia Help
Providing online interactive tools, advice and support to aid recovery from Bulimia
Beat provides helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help adults and young people in the UK beat their eating disorders. If you have a link that you feel would be appropriate on this page, please contact us.
Money Helper
Free, unbiased, independent service set up by government.
Money Advice Plus
Specialist debt advice for women who have been referred by a refuge or domestic violence service
Provides welfare rights support to community groups & advice centre
National Debtline
Offers information and advice on debt. Their website has an information pack, a personal budget section, factsheets, and debt advice. They have access to Language Line.
Debt Advice Foundation
Charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about debt.
Department for Work and Pensions
Provides information on all state benefits, alphabetically, with advice on how to find and get in touch with your local Job Centre. You can download information leaflets and claim forms from the website.
Citizens’ Advice Bureau: Advice Guide
Online advice guide to benefits, including a section on benefits relating to domestic violence.
Advice Now
Provides information on a number of areas, including benefits, housing, employment, living together and separating. They provide leaflets to download, and link to a wide variety of other useful websites.
Single Parents
Includes information on welfare benefits, childcare, the pros and cons of paid work versus voluntary work, full-time parenting or going back into education.
Provide advice about money issues related to housing.
Child Poverty Action Group
Work on behalf of the more than one in four children in the UK growing up in poverty.
The Child Poverty Action Group have set up a new free nationwide Survivors Welfare Advice Project (SWAP), which can advise professionals working with domestic abuse survivors on issues relating to their benefit claims and entitlement.
Domestic Violence Intervention Project
Provides a violence prevention programme for men and a woman’s support service for their partners and ex-partners
A registered charity and national membership organisation promoting best practice for domestic violence perpetrator programmes and associated support services in the UK.
Provides emotional support and details of counsellors and agencies throughout the UK. Their helpline number is 0208 554 9004 and their email address is info@supportline.org.uk.
Specifically for individuals experiencing domestic violence
Dogs Trust Freedom project covering the following areas:
Freedom Project – Greater London & the Home Counties
T: 0800 298 9199
F: 020 7833 8798
E: freedomproject@dogstrust.org.uk
Freedom Project – East Anglia
T: 0808 196 6240
E: freedomproject@dogstrust.org.uk
Freedom Project – Yorkshire
T: 0800 083 4322
F: 0113 280 4932
E: freedomproject@dogstrust.org.uk
Freedom Project – North East
T: 0300 303 3497
E: freedomproject@dogstrust.org.uk
Freedom Project – North West
T: 0300 303 4139
E: freedomproject@dogstrust.org.uk
Freedom Project – Scotland
T: 0808 169 4315
E: freedomproject@dogstrust.org.uk
Click here to contact the Dogs Trust Freedom project.
Paws Protect
Area covered: London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Bedfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire.
Tel: 0345 260 1280
Email: pawsprotect@cats.org.uk
Endeavour Project
Area covered: Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside
Tel/Fax: 01204 698 999
Email: info@pawsforkids.org.uk
The Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare
Area covered: Kent and Sussex
Tel: 01825 880478
Email: petfostering@raystede.org
Pet fostering, Central & North East London
Tel: 020 8805 6330
Email: animals@rspcacentrallondon.org.uk
Mayhew Animal Centre
Area covered: within the M25
Pet Refuge scheme that may be able to help care for your animal if you find yourself unable to for a limited period of time. With the exception of genuine emergencies, two weeks notice must be given before the pet needs to be cared for.
Refuge4Pets provide a pet fostering service across Devon and Cornwall so that victims of domestic violence and abuse can escape to access safety and support before being reunited with their much loved pets.
General pet fostering
Animal Samaritans
Foster carers are available to provide temporary care until a suitable, permanent home can be found. (south-east London and north-west Kent)
The Cinnamon Trust
The Cinnamon Trust provides short term care for animals belonging to elderly pet owners who are going into hospital or moving to residential accommodation where they are unable to take their pets. The Trust also provides long term care for pets whose owners have died and for terminally ill pet owners.
Victim Support.
The Victim Support Witness Service will support you if you go to court, including giving you information about the court and prosecution process. If you want, they will sit with you in the waiting room and when you are called to give evidence.
Family Lives, offers help and support for parents.
MSI Reproductive Choices UK
Provding NHS-funded and self-funded abortion and vasectomy care through a network of local clinics all over England.
Paladin assists high risk victims of stalking throughout England and Wales. A number of Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworkers (ISACs) ensure high risk victims of stalking are supported and that a coordinated community response is developed locally to keep victims and their children safe.
Charity dedicated to providing help, support and information for those affected by stalking and harassment.
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Provides practical support and personal safety guidance to reduce fear of crime and develops skills and strategies for keeping safe.
The National Stalking Clinic
A specialist service for the assessment and treatment of stalkers and their victims. Provides a mobile service across the UK to interested parties including the courts, Probation Service, Police, mental health trusts and Social Services.
Victim Support
Helps people to cope with the effects of crime.
BBC Inside Out
A basic guide to help people who are being stalked.
Rapid alert service via your mobile phone.
Cyberstalking and online safety
Digital Stalking: a guide to technology risks for victims
A guide launched in 2012 by Women’s Aid and the Network for Surviving Stalking.
Childnet Hub is for young people aged 11-18, you’ll find top tips, competitions, blogs and advice to help you to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.
Ctech has written a useful guide for parents, carers and educators to protecting a child’s privacy online here.
BBC Webwise
Information on how to keep your family safe online.
Gives information about the laws regarding cyberstalking and harassment.
Hidden Hurt
Domestic abuse site with information and support
National Association for People Abused in Childhood
Charity providing information and advice to adults who suffered abuse and/or neglect in childhood
Respect Mens Advice Line
Advice and support for men in abusive relationships
Counselling Directory
A free and confidential way to search for a counsellor or more info on various types of abuse.
UK Counselling Network
A national network of qualified counsellors experienced in couples counselling
Bristol women’s therapy centre
Confidential services specifically for women who have experienced any forms of domestic abuse
Hypnotherapy Directory
Lists qualified hypnotherapists across the UK
Offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse. Charity offering help to families after fatal domestic abuse (homicide or suicide) and near misses
Single Parents
Parenting site for single parents. Online groups, supported by experienced domestic abuse and parenting support workers, where single parents share solutions, challenges, joys and fears.
Mentors Me
Mentoring site where users can give and receive confidential advice.
Online magazine aimed at empowering single mothers
Hammersmith & Fulham
Advance Advocacy Project
support and advice to survivors of domestic violence
Purple House
Women’s centre provides a safe space run and offers services including a nursery, sexual health information and domestic violence support.
Lambeth Victim Support
Victim Support for the Lambeth area
Loves Me Not
Aylesbury Domestic Violence Forum Website
Hammersmith & Fulham
Standing Together
Organisation that coordinate a multi-agency partnership response to domestic violence in the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. (Not a front-line service)
Women and Girls’ Network
Charity providing support and counselling to women and girls who have experienced violence, including child sexual abuse, sexual assault, assault and domestic violence
National Registered Charity devoted to providing support to people affected by stalking.
UK based charity which works exclusively to end slavery and related abuse.
The Truth Isn’t Sexy
Campaign which aims to expose the truth between human trafficking and prostitution.
Provides female survivors of trafficking with places of safety and aftercare programmes of support.
Trafficking of children
Children’s rights organisation campaigning against the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the UK.
Fast Forward
Information on drugs and alcohol education for youth.
Love Respect
Women’s Aid website for young people on healthy relationships and coercive control.
National Youth Advocacy Service
Information and advocacy service for children and young people up to 24 years.
Parent Zone
Advice, information and resources for parents to support with everything to do with digital family life.
Respect Not Fear
Website for young people about healthy relationships, with games and activities.
South West Grid For Learning
SWGfL are a not for profit charity ensuring everyone can benefit from technology free from harm.
Think you know
Lots of resources from the education part of the Child Exploitation and Online protection centre (National Crime Agency)
Young Minds
Mental health charity for young people.