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About Us

The History Of Valley House

In the beginning

To talk about the history of Valley House we must go back to the late 1970s. The community of Stoke Heath in Coventry saw that young people from the local area were struggling and getting into trouble.

A group of volunteers came together and came up with the idea that with access to emergency housing, these young people could be supported to make a change. They approached the local council for help, and were given a property - 84 Valley Road - and Valley House was born.


Valley House

Since its beginnings in 1977, Valley House has grown from a single house to an entire organisation offering a range of accommodation and community based services for vulnerable people in and around Coventry. Services include supported accommodation for victims of domestic abuse.


Valley House Definition of Excellence 


Definition Of Excellence


Vision - Genuine opportunities for all, where people can respond confidently to the challenges of life.

Mission - To work alongside people to take control of their lives and create their own futures.



    • We will seek to understand those we work with and value them.
    • We welcome people of all backgrounds and life experiences.


    • Those who use our services drive what we do.  We work to deliver quality results and do what we say we will do.


    • We will continually improve what we do by adopting new ideas and partnerships and by adapting as the world around us changes.

Our range of services includes:

Supported Accommodation, Floating Support, Outreach Services

We provide supported accommodation and floating support in service users homes, to individuals and families who are experiencing personal crisis and are vulnerable to multiple disadvantages and social exclusion. This includes teenage parents and victims of domestic violence and abuse.

Counselling and Support

We provide a range of counselling and enhanced support services for disadvantaged and isolated individuals within our service. The service covers a range of emotional/psychological and practical issues, including deep-seated complex needs.

Strategic Plan

Follow the link for our Strategic Plan.

Valley House Strategic Plan 2018- 2021

Valley House Strategic Plan 2021- 2022

Valley House Strategic Plan 2022-2025


Trusted Charity Mark

Valley House has recently achieved the Trusted Charity Mark award recognising the excellent work it does as a third sector organisation in England.

Trusted Charity is part of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NVCO) and is the only UK quality standard designed to help third sector organisations operate more effectively. Valley House was assessed against the 11 standards of effective practice in Trusted Charity, including in governance, leadership and management, managing staff and volunteers and managing money, and proved to meet all standards.

We are so pleased to announce that Valley house has received the Silver award for Thrive at Work.

Workplace wellbeing is a huge challenge facing employers. Many organisations are still unaware of the role they can play in supporting their employee’s mental and physical health, with only 13% of HR and business managers in the UK believing their organisation has an effective wellbeing strategy.

All staff surveyed at Valley House felt the organisation takes positive action on the health and wellbeing of their employees. Employees felt communication in the organisation was good and they have ample opportunities to discuss their health and wellbeing with their Line Manager. They said they feel safe and supported in the workplace.

Senior management are committed to the wellbeing of staff and achieving the Thrive Award. A big thank you to Caroline Pike and Sharan Mattu; who have been responsible for driving this forward as the Wellbeing Champions for Valley House.

Read more about what we do and how we help HERE