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Abid’s Story

Abid’s Story

Abid, a 30-year-old Pakistani man, arrived at Valley House on September 20th, 2023. A solicitor from Rugby supporting him with a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DDV) application referred him. Abid has two young children, ages 7 and 8, who are currently living with their mother, the perpetrator of the abuse.

After marrying, Abid moved in with his wife and her family. He reported that the abuse started just three months later. Initially, it was verbal abuse and controlling behavior from his wife. She allegedly used his immigration status as a weapon, threatening deportation back to Pakistan. Soon, the in-laws and extended family joined in, making threats of violence. Abid endured the abuse for his children’s sake.

Domestic violence - Abid - 30 year old - Pakistani man

Hoping to improve their relationship, Abid suggested buying a separate property. He borrowed money from loved ones and used his savings to make the purchase. Briefly, things improved. However, the verbal and emotional abuse soon resurfaced.

Feeling overwhelmed, Abid confided in a female relative. As they confided in each other, Abid developed feelings for her. He informed his family in Pakistan, but they urged him to salvage his marriage. However, Abid couldn’t deny his feelings and expressed his desire to marry the other woman.

On September 4th, Abid’s in-laws discovered his plans and physically attacked him, threatening his life. Fearing for his safety, he fled the family home. The in-laws relentlessly pursued him, visiting friends and even searching for him at his car mechanic.

The situation escalated further when Abid’s family in Pakistan received death threats from his in-laws, who threatened to return Abid to Pakistan “in a body bag.” A friend urged Abid to disappear fearing for his life.

With nowhere to go, Abid slept in his car for days before finding the courage to go to the police. While explaining his ordeal, he was arrested based on a rape allegation by his wife. Abid was shocked, embarrassed, and unsure what to do.

Domestic violence - Abid - 30 year old - Pakistani man

Fortunately, he had proof of his wife’s lie on his phone – a message admitting she fabricated the allegation. The police currently hold his phone as evidence. Finally, Abid mustered the courage to seek legal support from a solicitor who referred him to Valley House.

Currently on bail, Abid reports to the Rugby police station weekly. Valley House is committed to providing him with safety, support, and guidance as he navigates this challenging situation.

Valley House is working with Abid on several fronts. First, they’ve provided him with safe accommodation away from his abuser. They’re also helping him navigate the legal system, ensuring his voice is heard in the ongoing investigation. Additionally, Valley House is offering emotional support and counselling to help Abid process his trauma and develop coping mechanisms. Finally, they’re exploring future housing options and connecting him with resources to help him rebuild his life.

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