Annual Review 2019 - 2020
Domestic Abuse Support Service
220 people supported
Within our DVA Supported Accommodation service we worked with 142 adults and 72 Children. 100% of service users were able to
demonstrate that they knew how and where to access support from other agencies. In order to support our service users to be able to move on with
confidence and live independently it is essential that they are aware of who and how to access this support when they move on from our accommodation.
Young Parents Service
188 people supported
Within our Teenage Parent Service, we worked with 83 young parents and 105 children. As a result of the service offered services had a
93% planned exit rate and evidence a completed package of support and achieved a successful move on with their child / children.
This reflects the importance of those vulnerable families being able to move on successfully and take control of their lives.
Community Wellbeing
329 people supported
Our Community Wellbeing services worked with a total of 190 adults and 50 children. This service combines therapeutic type interventions
with practical support to enable isolated and vulnerable individuals to live healthier and more independent lives. This service receives funding from
numerous source (HY2, Rooted, Accelerate). During 2018 / 2019 the counselling service worked with a total of 25 individuals. Currently this
service is unfunded and whilst it is delivered by student counsellors we pay for all expenses related to the service from our own resources.
16 people supported
Valley House runs a self-funding nursery offering full day care to both funded and fee paying families. We have a wide range of families from
different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and good working relationships with statutory services. However our families can have multiple
disadvantages. Despite this, 83% of our two year olds and 85% of our three year olds met their development targets. Results from our January
bi-annual parents/carers Satisfaction Survey reported 75% of all parents / carers said they were very satisfied with all elements of the Nursery.
Youth Club
329 people supported
During 2018/2019 the Youth Service worked with a total of 329 young people. There were numerous funding streams, delivering a range of services: Progress - a big
lottery / European social funded programme focuses on getting people economically active. Future Proof - funded by UK Youth gave us the opportunity to deliver an
accredited Peer Mentoring programme. Our weekly Youth Group funded by Big Lottery had over 309 attendee’s last year. Youth Panel - Made up from 7
young people who currently or used to attend our youth provision and who act as advocates for what we do, encouraging other young people to access our services