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Supporting Male Survivors of Domestic Abuse: Valley House’s Commitment to Providing Help and Hope

Supporting Male Survivors of Domestic Abuse: Valley House’s Commitment to Providing Help and Hope

Domestic abuse is an issue that affects countless individuals across the globe. While it is often portrayed as a women’s issue due to the high prevalence of female victims, it’s crucial to acknowledge that domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender. Male survivors of domestic abuse face unique challenges, including societal stigma, making it difficult for them to come forward and seek help. In this article, we shed light on the struggles male survivors face ad highlight the vital role organisations like Valley House play in supporting them.

Breaking the Silence: Male Survivors of Domestic Abuse

The reluctance of men to report domestic abuse is influenced by various factors:

Embarrassment and Perceived Weakness: Society’s stereotypes of masculinity often lead men to believe that admitting to abuse makes them appear less manly, fostering a sense of embarrassment and shame.

Fear of Disbelief: Many men fear that they won’t be believed by the Police or other professionals, causing them to suffer in silence.

Concerns About Friends and Family: Worries about the judgments of friends and family can deter men from speaking out, further isolating them from potential sources of support.

Lack of Confidence: A lack of self-assurance may hinder men from acknowledging that they are victims of domestic abuse.

Misconceptions About Victimhood: Men may struggle to recognise that they are victims, as societal norms often portray them as invulnerable.

Social Stigma: Fear of being seen as weak or stigmatized for seeking help can prevent men from reporting abuse.

Limited Support Networks: Males may lack the supportive friendships or relationships needed to discuss personal issues.

Inadequate Services: The availability of support services specifically tailored for male survivors is limited, further discouraging reporting.

Understanding the Statistics

Office for National Statistics data reveals that one in three victims of domestic abuse in the UK are male, equating to approximately 699,000 men in the year 2021-22.

Police-recorded domestic abuse crimes indicate that 25% of victims are men.

66% of men who call the ManKind Initiative helpline have never disclosed their abuse to anyone before, and 64% would not have called if the helpline wasn’t anonymous.

As of June 1, 2023, there are 43 organizations in the UK providing 302 refuge or safe house spaces for men, with just 99 dedicated exclusively to male survivors.

Tragically, 11% of male victims have considered taking their own lives due to partner abuse.

Valley House: A Beacon of Support

Valley House, based in Coventry, is a shining example of an organisation committed to supporting male survivors of domestic abuse. They offer a range of services to empower and assist men in regaining control of their lives:

Risk Assessments and Safety Planning: Valley House conducts risk assessments and assists survivors in creating safety plans tailored to their unique situations.

One-on-One Case Work and Group Sessions: They provide personalized one-on-one support and structured group sessions to help survivors heal and grow.

Court Support: Valley House supports service users involved in criminal justice and civil proceedings, ensuring they receive the advocacy they need, utilising our trained IDVA.

Family Support: Recognising that domestic abuse affects not only the survivors but also their families, we provide family support services for the children of male survivors.

Counselling: Survivors can access counselling to address the emotional and psychological toll of abuse.

Wellbeing Sessions: Valley House offers one-on-one and group sessions focusing on overall wellbeing.

Community Transition Support: Survivors receive up to three months of support in the community as they transition into their own accommodation.

Safe To Talk Helpline

For male survivors of domestic abuse in need of immediate support, the Safe To Talk Helpline is available at 0800 111 4998.


Domestic abuse knows no gender boundaries, and male survivors face numerous barriers when seeking help. Valley House’s dedication to supporting male survivors is a beacon of hope, offering essential services to empower men on their path to recovery. By raising awareness about this critical issue and promoting the availability of such services, we can help break the silence surrounding male survivors of domestic abuse and encourage them to seek the help they deserve.



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