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We would like to welcome Liz Maffey as our newest trustee.

We would like to welcome Liz Maffey as our newest trustee.

New trustee, Liz joins us with a wealth of experience in relation to data management and analysis, measuring impact and outcomes.

We are excited to be able to utilise her knowledge and expertise to support us in ensuring we meet one of our 5 areas of strategic focus – ensuring our data works for us in identifying trends and responding to emerging need.



Our trustees play a vital role in making sure that Valley House achieves its core purpose. They oversee the overall management and administration of the charity. They also ensure that Valley House has a clear strategy and that our work and goals are in line with our vision. Just as importantly, they support and challenge the Senior Management Team to enable Valley House to grow and thrive, and through this, achieve our mission.

Board members have a collective responsibility. This means that trustees always act as a group and not as individuals.


·         Support and provide advice on Valley House’s purpose, vision, goals and activities.

·         Approve operational strategies and policies and monitor and evaluate their implementation.

·         Oversee Valley House’s financial plans and budgets and monitor and evaluate progress.

·         Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.

·         Ensure that key risks are being identified, monitored, and controlled effectively.

·         Review and approve Valley House’s financial statements.

·         Provide support and challenge to Valley House’s CEO in the exercise of their delegated authority and affairs.

·         Keep abreast of changes in Valley House’s operating environment.

·         Contribute to regular reviews of Valley House’s own governance. Attend Board meetings, adequately prepared to contribute to discussions.

·         Use independent judgment, acting legally and in good faith to promote and protect Valley House’s interests, to the exclusion of their own personal and/or any third-party interests.

·         Contribute to the broader promotion of Valley House’s objects, aims and reputation by applying your skills, expertise, knowledge, and contacts.

As a small charity, there will be times when our trustees need to be actively involved beyond Board meetings. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, presenting externally, or other issues in which they have special expertise.

#welcomeliz #DataExpertise #StrategicFocus