What is National Sickie Day?
It’s National Sickie Day on Monday! According to reports, there will be a spike in staff absence due to an over indulgent weekend, after a long awaited pay day. Research in 2014 found that although colds, flu and food poisoning were among the most common excuses for absence on National Sickie Day, a large proportion used ‘feeling tired’ or that they ‘just didn’t feel like it.’ (amh.org.uk)
This got us thinking about the reasons why people may want to avoid work, and how to get yourself out of bed and in the office on the days where you just don’t want to go. (We’ve all been there!)
We’re fortunate to have a Health and Wellbeing Champion at work. Sharan is the go-to person for all things health at work. We asked her for some advice. Here’s what she had to say:

If you’ve got that sinking feeling about going to work, but there’s no reason for you to not be at work, get yourself in! Sometimes getting up and getting dressed is enough to change your mindset to a more positive one. Do things that will help make your day more enjoyable. You could meet colleagues early for breakfast or use flexi time to have a longer lunch break.
Plan something nice to do after work, like a bath, film or a meal with friends or family.
I think it’s very rare that people book annual leave to do nothing. People tend to book days off to do something, a trip, holiday or a meet up. These are great but you’re not necessarily giving yourself a break. So why not take a day, just for you. Have duvet day, or get a massage, binge watch your favourite TV show. Make your plan for the day to do as little as possible, it’s like a guilt free sickie! Hopefully taking this time will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready for work again!
What to do if you’re finding it hard to get motivated…
If you are feeling down or anxious, it important to talk to someone. It might be worth making an appointment with your GP, who can help you to access support.
Valley House is working hard to remove the stigma around mental health. We have trained mental health first aiders, dedicated time in staff personal development reviews to discuss your mental health, relaxation sessions for staff and workshops around handling stress.
Remember that it’s okay to not be okay, and that it’s entirely optional to participate in National Sickie Day…