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Legal Support

Legal Support

Providing Comprehensive Support: The IDVA Service at Valley House

Valley House is committed to providing comprehensive support to survivors of domestic abuse, particularly those facing high-risk situations. A crucial part of this support is our dedicated Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) Service. Our IDVA plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in our supported accommodation.

Risk Assessment and Safety Planning:

Upon arrival at Valley House's Domestic Abuse Supported Accommodation, each resident undergoes a thorough risk assessment. This assessment helps determine the level of risk they face and informs the support they receive. For those identified as high or medium risk, the IDVA works closely with them to develop a personalised safety plan. This plan is a crucial tool, outlining steps to take in various situations to minimize danger and ensure their well-being. Often, this involves liaison with the Coventry Police Public Protection Unit (PPU) to ensure all necessary support mechanisms are in place.

Navigating the Justice System:

The IDVA provides invaluable support to residents navigating the complexities of the Criminal Justice System. This includes:

  • Liaison with Witness Care: For victims involved in criminal court proceedings, the IDVA liaises with the Witness Care Service to ensure they receive the necessary support and information.
  • Police Reporting Support: The IDVA also assists residents who wish to report abuse to the police, guiding them through the process and offering emotional support.
  • Supporting Evidence in Civil Proceedings: The IDVA can provide supporting evidence in civil court cases, such as those related to divorce, non-molestation orders, and occupation orders, helping victims secure legal protection.
  • Applications for Protection Orders: When appropriate, the IDVA supports victims in applying for protection orders to further safeguard their well-being.
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation: Even when criminal cases are closed without further action by the police or the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the IDVA assists residents in applying for Criminal Injuries Compensation.

Multi-Agency Collaboration and MARAC:

The IDVA plays a key role in multi-agency collaboration, ensuring that high-risk cases are brought to the attention of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC). The IDVA is responsible for making MARAC referrals for all high-risk cases and liaises with out-of-area police forces when necessary, particularly when a MARAC-to-MARAC referral is required. Furthermore, the IDVA actively participates in MARAC meetings, representing victims' voices and contributing to crucial risk management discussions.

The IDVA Service at Valley House provides a lifeline for vulnerable individuals, offering comprehensive support and advocacy to help them navigate the challenges of domestic abuse and rebuild their lives. By working closely with residents, law enforcement, and other agencies, the IDVA ensures that victims receive the protection and support they need to move forward.

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