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Family Links – Nurturing Programme

What is the Nurturing Programme?

Children are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but looking after them can be stressful and challenging.

The Nurturing Programme helps deal with those challenges so that you can have a calmer, happier life.

A tried and tested programme, it helps us think about what we do, why we do it and how it makes us feel.

The Building Blocks of Nurturing Programme

What does it cover?

Over the 10-week Programme, you will look at lots of different topics including


Why children behave the way they do


The feelings behind behaviour.


Different approaches to discipline


Ways to develop co-operation and self-discipline in children


The importance of looking after ourselves

Practical Information

Partners are welcome and its also fine to come on your own or with a relative or friend

There are ten 2-hour sessions with a tea and coffee break

8-10 Parents are invited and there are two family links trained group leaders

Some groups provide a creche; check with group leaders before hand

You need to come to all ten sessions as they fit together like a puzzle

How nurturing programme parents groups have helped other parents

“I am a much more confident, positive and understanding parent. I feel much more able to cope now.”

“We are having less family arguments and the household is a lot calmer.”

“The group was fun. It’s the only two hours i have for myself each week.”

“The atmosphere was really relaxed. No-one judged anyone and everyone listed to and respected.”

Check out familylinks.org.uk for more information on The Parenting Puzzle book and the Nurturing Programme

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Find out more about how Valley House can help – Domestic Abuse