The Free Food Cupboard is two!
Two years ago this week, we started our Free Food Cupboard. It was the brainchild of our Director of Operations. When the Cupboard was launched it attracted the attention of local radio, and we were featured on Free Radio news! We caught up with our Director of Operations to ask her some questions about it…

Why did you start a Free Food Cupboard?
We identified the Service Users/Parents did not always need a full Foodbank voucher, maybe just an item or 2 to tide them over and not everyone is entitled to a Foodbank voucher but still need a little support.
How is the cupboard stocked?
It is stocked through donations from the Coventry Foodbank, staff, board members and we have had donations from local businesses. Aldi Gallagher and Punkfit gym Binley have donated. We also take toiletries such as soap and feminine hygiene products. Some donations have come from previous service users who have used the cupboard in the past, and are now in a position to help keep it stocked!
What has the feedback been from service users?
They find it useful as they do not have to travel far, they feel less embarrassed by taking from the Valley House food cupboard.
Why are donations to the Free Food Cupboard so important?
As above, and it also means we offer some added value, helps service users with smaller items that they can choose, rather than Foodbank items which they may not eat. It is a good Valley House community resource and can be useful for emergencies.
We’re so pleased that two years after the initial idea the Food Cupboard is still going strong. But this simply wouldn’t be the case without the support we’ve received to keep it going.
You can help us keep the food cupboard going for another two years! Donations are both welcome and appreciated. We accept store cupboard items such as tins, dried pasta, jars of sauces and toiletries like soap, toothpaste and shower gel.