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Organisational Away Day

Organisational Away Day

Organisational Away Day

Organisational Away Day

Yesterday, Valley House hosted a highly productive Organisational Away Day, marking the first such event under the leadership of the new Chief Executive, LJ Winterburn. As an organization, we reflected on the past twelve months, celebrated our achievements, and explored what the next 12 months have in store for us.

During the discussions about the challenges we faced in the previous year, we delved into various aspects of our operations.

The Organisational Away Day provided an excellent opportunity for the diverse teams to collaborate and gain deeper insights into the remarkable services provided by Valley House.

Recognizing the significance of team building in any organization, we kicked off the day with a fun round of ‘Staff Bingo’ as the perfect ice breaker, and the event concluded with an entertaining game of ‘Chinese Whispers.’

Employee morale was at a high, and our staff eagerly anticipates the next Valley House Organisational Away Day scheduled for six months from now!

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